Helper Tema

PopojiCMS - CMS Indonesia, Buat Sendiri Rasa Webmu, Karena Kami CMS Gratis Indonesia.

Untuk para developer ini adalah daftar helper dan snippet yang digunakan pada pembuatan tema di PopojiCMS. Dengan daftar ini akan mempermudah dalam pembuatan tema dan mempersingkat waktu pembuatan.


1. Helper pada index.php

Snippet menampilkan title halaman :



Snippet menampilkan meta description :

<meta name="description" content="<?=$this->e($page_desc);?>" />


Snippet menampilkan meta keywords :

<meta name="keywords" content="<?=$this->e($page_key);?>" />


Snippet menampilkan meta social :

<?php include_once DIR_CON."/component/setting/meta_social.txt";?>


Snippet memanggil file css :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$this->asset('/css/file.css')?>" type="text/css" />


Snippet menampilkan favicon website :

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?=BASE_URL.'/'.DIR_INC;?>/images/favicon.png" />


Snippet memanggil file javascript :

<script type="text/javascript" src="<?=$this->asset('/js/file.js')?>"></script>


Snippet memanggil bagian header tema :



Snippet memanggil bagian konten tema :



Snippet memanggil bagian footer tema :



 2. Helper pada header.php

Snippet form pemilihan bahasa :

<form method="post" action="<?=BASE_URL;?>/./">
	<input type="hidden" name="refer" value="<?=((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && !in_array(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']),array('off','no'))) ? 'https' : 'http').'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];?>" />
	<select name="lang" required="">
			$languages = $this->language()->getLanguage('ASC');
			foreach($languages as $language){
				echo "<option value='".$language['code']."' ".($language['code'] == WEB_LANG ? 'selected' : '').">".$language['title']."</option>";
	<button type="submit"><?=$this->e($front_change_lang);?></button>


Snippet link untuk member :

<?php if ($this->pocore()->call->posetting[17]['value'] == 'Y') { ?>
	<?php if (empty($_SESSION['namauser_member']) AND empty($_SESSION['passuser_member']) AND empty($_SESSION['login_member'])) { ?>
		<li><a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/member/login"><?=$this->e($front_member_login);?></a></li>
		<li><a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/member/register"><?=$this->e($front_member_register);?></a></li>
	<?php } else { ?>
		<li><a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/member"><?=$_SESSION['namauser_member'];?></a></li>
	<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet menampilkan menu :

Param 1 : Nama group menu

Param 2 : Classs atau id pada parent menu

Param 3 : Class atau id pada child menu

Param 4 : Class atau id pada link

	echo $this->menu()->getFrontMenu(WEB_LANG, '', '', '');


Snippet form pencarian :

<form action="<?=BASE_URL;?>/search" method="post">
	<input type="text" name="search" placeholder="<?=$this->e($front_search);?>..." />


Snippet menampilkan alamat website :

<abbr title="Phone Number"><strong>Phone:</strong></abbr> <?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[6]['value'];?><br>
<abbr title="Fax"><strong>Fax:</strong></abbr> <?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[7]['value'];?><br>
<abbr title="Email Address"><strong>Email:</strong></abbr> <?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[5]['value'];?>


Snippet form subscribe :

<form action="<?=BASE_URL;?>/subscribe" method="post">
	<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="<?=$this->e($front_email);?>" />
	<button type="submit"><?=$this->e($front_subscribe);?></button>


Snippet menampilkan copyright :

Copyrights &copy; <?=date('Y');?> All Rights Reserved by <?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[0]['value'];?>


4. Helper pada home.php

Snippet memanggil badan tema utama :

Berlaku pada semua elemen tema yang akan memanggil badan tema utama.



Snippet menampilkan post headline :

Param 1  = banyak post yang akan diambil

Param 2 = sorting post DESC atau ASC

Param 3 = WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$headlines = $this->post()->getHeadline('5', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($headlines as $headline){
	title = <?=$headline['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$headline['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $headline['content'], '80');?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$headline['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$headline['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$headline['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet menampilkan slider post :

Param 1 = banyak post yang akan diambil

Param 2 = sorting post DESC atau ASC

Param 3 = WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$sliders_post = $this->post()->getPost('6', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($sliders_post as $slider_post){
		$slider_category = $this->category()->getCategory($slider_post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);
	title = <?=$slider_post['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$slider_post['seotitle'];?>
	category title = <?=$slider_category;?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $slider_post['content'], '80');?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$slider_post['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$slider_post['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$slider_post['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet menampilkan title category tertentu :

Param 1 = id_category

Param 2 = WEB_LANG_ID mengambil title category sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

<?php $category_title = $this->category()->getOneCategory('1', WEB_LANG_ID); ?>


Snippet menampilkan post berdasarkan category tertentu :

Param 1 = id_category

Param 2 = banyak post yang akan diambil

Param 3 = sorting post DESC atau ASC

Param 4 = WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$post_by_categorys = $this->post()->getPostByCategory('1', '5', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($post_by_categorys as $list_post){
	title = <?=$list_post['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$list_post['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $list_post['content'], '250');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($list_post['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($list_post['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$list_post['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($list_post['editor']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$list_post['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$list_post['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$list_post['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet memanggil bagian sidebar :

Berlaku pada semua elemen tema yang akan memanggil bagian sidebar



5. Helper pada pages.php

Snippet breadcrumb pages :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Pages : <a href="<?=BASE_URL.'/pages/'.$this->e($pages['seotitle']);?>"><?=$this->e($front_pages);?></a>
Link Active Pages : <a href="javascript:void(0)"><?=$this->e($pages['title']);?></a>


Snippet content pages :

Title = <?=$this->e($pages['title']);?>
Picture = 
<?php if ($this->e($pages['picture']) != '') { ?>
	<img src="<?=BASE_URL.'/'.DIR_CON.'/uploads/'.$this->e($pages['picture']);?>" alt="" />
<?php } ?>
Content = <?=htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($this->e($pages['content'])));?>


6. Helper pada category.php

Snippet breadcrumb category :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Category : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/category/all"><?=$this->e($front_category);?></a>
Link Active Category : <a href="<?=$this->e($social_url);?>"><?=$this->e($page_title);?></a>


Snippet content category :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data category dengan memilih field yg akan disorting

Param 3 : sorting data post dengan memilih field yg akan disorting

Param 4 : array data category sesuai get url

Param 5 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif untuk paging

Param 6 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$categorys = $this->post()->getPostFromCategory('6', 'id_post_category DESC', 'post.id_post DESC', $category, $this->e($page), WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($categorys as $post){
	title = <?=$post['title'];?>
	category = <?=$this->category()->getCategory($post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$post['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $post['content'], '250');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($post['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($post['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$post['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($post['editor']);?>
	tag : <?=$this->post()->getPostTag($post['tag']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$post['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$post['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$post['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet paging category :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : seotitle category sesuai get url

Param 3 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif

Param 4 : tipe paging : '0' hanya tombol prev dan next, '1' tombol prev, next dan nomor paging

Param 5 : text prev

Param 6 : text next

<?=$this->post()->getCategoryPaging('6', $category, $this->e($page), '1', $this->e($front_paging_prev), $this->e($front_paging_next));?>


7. Helper pada tag.php

Snippet breadcrumb tag :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Category : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/category/all"><?=$this->e($front_tag);?></a>
Link Active Category : <a href="<?=$this->e($social_url);?>"><?=$this->e($page_title);?></a>


Snippet content tag :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data post dengan memilih field yg akan disorting

Param 3 : tag_seo sesuai get url

Param 4 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif untuk paging

Param 5 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$tags = $this->post()->getPostFromTag('6', 'post.id_post DESC', $this->e($tag_seo), $this->e($page), WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($tags as $post){
	title = <?=$post['title'];?>
	category = <?=$this->category()->getCategory($post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$post['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $post['content'], '250');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($post['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($post['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$post['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($post['editor']);?>
	tag : <?=$this->post()->getPostTag($post['tag']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$post['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$post['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$post['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet paging tag :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : tag_seo sesuai get url

Param 3 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif

Param 4 : tipe paging : '0' hanya tombol prev dan next, '1' tombol prev, next dan nomor paging

Param 5 : text prev

Param 6 : text next

<?=$this->post()->getTagPaging('6', $this->e($tag_seo), $this->e($page), '1', $this->e($front_paging_prev), $this->e($front_paging_next));?>


8. Helper pada search.php

Snippet breadcrumb search :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Category : <a href="javascript:void(0)"><?=$this->e($front_search_title);?></a>
Link Active Category : <a href="<?=$this->e($social_url);?>"><?=$this->e($page_title);?></a>


Snippet content search :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data post dengan memilih field yg akan disorting

Param 3 : keyword sesuai get url

Param 4 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif untuk paging

Param 5 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$search = $this->post()->getPostFromSearch('6', 'post.id_post DESC', $this->e($query), $this->e($page), WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($search as $post){
	title = <?=$post['title'];?>
	category = <?=$this->category()->getCategory($post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$post['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $post['content'], '250');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($post['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($post['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$post['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($post['editor']);?>
	tag : <?=$this->post()->getPostTag($post['tag']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$post['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$post['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$post['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet paging search :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : keyword sesuai get url

Param 3 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif

Param 4 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

Param 5 : tipe paging : '0' hanya tombol prev dan next, '1' tombol prev, next dan nomor paging

Param 6 : text prev

Param 7 : text next

<?=$this->post()->getSearchPaging('6', $this->e($query), $this->e($page), WEB_LANG_ID, '1', $this->e($front_paging_prev), $this->e($front_paging_next));?>


9. Helper pada detailpost.php

Snippet breadcrumb detailpost :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Pages : <a href="javascript:void(0)"><?=$this->e($front_post_title);?></a>
Link Active Pages : <a href="<?=$this->e($social_url);?"><?=$this->e($page_title);?></a>


Snippet content detailpost :

Title = <?=$post['title'];?>
Category = <?=$this->category()->getCategory($post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);?>
Date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($post['date']);?>
Comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($post['id_post']);?>
Hits = <?=$post['hits'];?>
Author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($post['editor']);?>
Picture = 
<?php if ($this->e($post['picture']) != '') { ?>
	<img src="<?=BASE_URL.'/'.DIR_CON.'/uploads/'.$this->e($post['picture']);?>" alt="" />
<?php } ?>
Picture Description = 
<?php if ($post['picture_description'] != '') { ?>
<?php } ?>
Content = <?=htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($post['content']));?>


Snippet image slider post :

	$gallerys = $this->post()->getPostGallery($post['id_post'], 'ASC');
	if ($gallerys > 0) {
		foreach($gallerys as $gallery){
		Picture = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$gallery['picture'];?>
<?php }} ?>


Snippet post tag :

Param 1 : daftar tag

Param 2 : separator pemisah antara tag

Param 3 : jika 'true' maka akan dibuat dalam tag

<?=$this->post()->getPostTag($post['tag'], '', true);?>


Snippet prev post :

Param 1 : id_post

param 2 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$prevpost = $this->post()->getPrevPost($post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);
	if ($prevpost) {
	<a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$prevpost['seotitle'];?>"><?=$prevpost['title'];?></a>
<?php } ?>


Snippet next post :

Param 1 : id_post

param 2 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$nextpost = $this->post()->getNextPost($post['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);
	if ($nextpost) {
	<a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$nextpost['seotitle'];?>"><?=$nextpost['title'];?></a>
<?php } ?>


Snippet author post :

Param 1 : id_user post

	$editor = $this->post()->getAuthor($post['editor']);
	if ($editor['picture'] != '') {
		$editor_avatar = BASE_URL.'/'.DIR_CON.'/uploads/'.$editor['picture'];
	} else {
		$editor_avatar = BASE_URL.'/'.DIR_CON.'/uploads/user-editor.jpg';
	author name = <?=$editor['nama_lengkap'];?>
	author bio = <?=htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode($editor['bio']));?>


Snippet related post :

Param 1 : id_post

Param 2 : daftar tag

Param 3 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 4 : sorting data post DESC atau ASC

Param 5 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$relateds = $this->post()->getRelated($post['id_post'], $post['tag'], '2', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($relateds as $related){
	title = <?=$related['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$related['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $related['content'], '80');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($related['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($related['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$related['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($related['editor']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$related['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$related['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$related['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet comment list :

Pembuatan comment list langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Membuat seleksi kondisi jika komentar pada post diaktifkan atau tidak.

2. Mengambil total komentar, jika tidak ada komentar maka jangan tampilkan comment list.

3. Membuat variabel $com_parent yaitu variabel yang berisi array comment list di mana fungsi getCommentByPost diisi :

Param 1 : id_post

Param 2 : banyaknya data komentar yang akan diambil

Param 3 : sorting data komentar DESC atau ASC

Param 4 : nomor halaman yang aktif untuk paging

4. Membuat variabel $com_template yaitu variabel yang berisi array comment template :

parent_tag_open : adalah tag pembungkus masing-masing komentar

parent_tag_close : adalah penutup tag pembungkus

child_tag_open : adalah tag pembungkus anakan komentar

child_tag_close : adalah penutup tag pembungkus anakan komentar

comment_list : adalah isi dari content komentar :

=> {$comment_id} - id komentar

=> {$comment_avatar} - avatar user komentar

=> {$comment_url} - url user komentar

=> {$comment_name} - user name komentar

=> {$comment_datetime} - datetime komentar

=> {$comment_content} - isi komentar

5. Menampilkan comment list ke layar dengan fungsi generateComment.

<?php if ($post['comment'] == 'Y') { ?>
	<?php if ($this->post()->getCountComment($post['id_post']) > 0) { ?>
		Total comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($post['id_post']);?>
			$com_parent = $this->post()->getCommentByPost($post['id_post'], '6', 'DESC', $this->e($page));
			$com_template = array(
				'parent_tag_open' => '<li class="comment" id="li-comment-{$comment_id}">',
				'parent_tag_close' => '</li>',
				'child_tag_open' => '<ul class="children">',
				'child_tag_close' => '</ul>',
				'comment_list' => '
					<div id="comment-{$comment_id}" class="comment-wrap clearfix">
						<div class="comment-meta">
							<div class="comment-author vcard">
								<span class="comment-avatar clearfix">
									<img alt="" src="{$comment_avatar}" class="avatar avatar-40 photo" height="40" width="40" />
						<div class="comment-content clearfix">
							<div class="comment-author">
								<a href="{$comment_url}" rel="external nofollow" class="url">{$comment_name}</a>
								<span><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Permalink to this comment">{$comment_datetime}</a></span>
							<a class="comment-reply-link" id="{$comment_id}" href="#respond" title="'.$this->e($comment_reply).'"><i class="icon-reply"></i></a>
		<ol class="commentlist clearfix">
			<?=$this->post()->generateComment($com_parent, 'DESC', $com_template);?>
	<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet paging comment :

Param 1 : banyaknya data komentar yang akan diambil

Param 2 : id_post sesuai get url

Param 3 : seotitle post sesuai get url

Param 4 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif

Param 5 : tipe paging : '0' hanya tombol prev dan next, '1' tombol prev, next dan nomor paging

Param 6 : text prev

Param 7 : text next

<?=$this->post()->getCommentPaging('6', $post['id_post'], $post['seotitle'], $this->e($page), '1', $this->e($front_paging_prev), $this->e($front_paging_next));?>


Snippet comment form :

<?php if ($post['comment'] == 'Y') { ?>
	Text = <?=$this->e($front_leave_comment);?></h3>
	Status Submit = <?=$this->pocore()->call->poflash->display();?>
	<form action="<?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$post['seotitle'];?>#comments" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" name="id_parent" id="id_parent" value="0" />
		<input type="hidden" name="id" name="id" value="<?=$post['id_post'];?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="seotitle" id="seotitle" value="<?=$post['seotitle'];?>" />
		<input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="<?=(isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '');?>" required />
		<input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="<?=(isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '');?>" required />
		<input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="<?=(isset($_POST['url']) ? $_POST['url'] : '');?>" />
		<textarea name="comment" id="comment" required><?=(isset($_POST['comment']) ? $_POST['comment'] : '');?></textarea>
		<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[21]['value'];?>"></div>
		<button name="submit" id="submit" type="submit"><?=$this->e($comment_submit);?></button>
<?php } ?>



10. Helper pada sidebar.php

Snippet facebook website share count :

Param 1 : url website



Snippet twitter user follow count :

Param 1 : twitter username



Snippet subscribe count :



Snippet list semua kategori :

Param 1 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$categorys_side = $this->category()->getAllCategory(WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($categorys_side as $category_side){
	Link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/category/<?=$category_side['seotitle'];?>
	Title = <?=$category_side['title'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet popular post :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data post ASC atau DESC

Param 3 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$populars_side = $this->post()->getPopular('5', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($populars_side as $popular_side){
	title = <?=$popular_side['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$popular_side['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $popular_side['content'], '250');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($popular_side['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($popular_side['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$popular_side['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($popular_side['editor']);?>
	tag = <?=$this->post()->getPostTag($popular_side['tag']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$popular_side['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$popular_side['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$popular_side['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet recent post :

Param 1 : banyaknya data post yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data post ASC atau DESC

Param 3 : WEB_LANG_ID mengambil post sesuai id bahasa yang sedang aktif

	$recents_side = $this->post()->getRecent('5', 'DESC', WEB_LANG_ID);
	foreach($recents_side as $recent_side){
	title = <?=$recent_side['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$recent_side['seotitle'];?>
	content = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $recent_side['content'], '250');?>
	date = <?=$this->pocore()->call->podatetime->tgl_indo($recent_side['date']);?>
	comment = <?=$this->post()->getCountComment($recent_side['id_post']);?>
	hits = <?=$recent_side['hits'];?>
	author = <?=$this->post()->getAuthorName($recent_side['editor']);?>
	tag : <?=$this->post()->getPostTag($recent_side['tag']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$recent_side['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$recent_side['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$recent_side['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet comment post :

Param 1 : banyaknya data komentar yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data komentar ASC atau DESC

	$comments_side = $this->post()->getComment('5', 'DESC');
	foreach($comments_side as $comment_side){
	$comment_post = $this->post()->getPostById($comment_side['id_post'], WEB_LANG_ID);
	author = <?=$comment_side['name'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL;?>/detailpost/<?=$comment_post['seotitle'];?>
	comment = <?=$this->pocore()->call->postring->cuthighlight('post', $comment_side['comment'], '80');?>
	avatar = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_avatar.jpg
<?php } ?>


Snippet tag cloud :

Param 1 : sorting data tag dengan nama field, ASC, DESC atau RAND()

Param 2 : banyaknya data tag yang akan diambil

Param 3 : seperator pemisah antara tag

Param 4 : jika 'true' maka akan dibuat dalam tag

Param 5 : pembuka tag pembungkus

Param 6 : penutup tag pembungkus

Param 7 : class untuk tag pembungkus

<?=$this->post()->getAllTag('RAND()', '30', '');?>


11. Helper pada album.php

Snippet breadcrumb album :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Active Album : <a href="<?=BASE_URL.'/album';?>"><?=$this->e($front_gallery);?></a>


Snippet content album :

Param 1 : banyaknya data gallery yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data album dengan memilih field yg akan disorting

Param 3 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif untuk paging

	$albums = $this->gallery()->getAlbum('8', 'id_album ASC', $this->e($page));
	foreach($albums as $alb){
	title = <?=$alb['title'];?>
	link = <?=BASE_URL.'/gallery/'.$this->e($alb['seotitle']);?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$alb['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$alb['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$alb['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet paging album :

Param 1 : banyaknya data album yang akan diambil

Param 2 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif

Param 3 : tipe paging : '0' hanya tombol prev dan next, '1' tombol prev, next dan nomor paging

Param 4 : text prev

Param 5 : text next

<?=$this->gallery()->getAlbumPaging('8', $this->e($page), '1', $this->e($front_paging_prev), $this->e($front_paging_next));?>


Snippet breadcrumb gallery :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Album : <a href="<?=BASE_URL.'/album';?>"><?=$this->e($front_gallery);?></a>
Link Active Gallery : <a href="javascript:void(0)"><?=$this->e($page_title);?></a>


Snippet content gallery :

Param 1 : banyaknya data gallery yang akan diambil

Param 2 : sorting data gallery dengan memilih field yg akan disorting

Param 3 : array data album

Param 4 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif untuk paging

	$gallerys = $this->gallery()->getGallery('12', 'id_gallery DESC', $album, $this->e($page));
	foreach($gallerys as $gal){
	title = <?=$gal['title'];?>
	picture original = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/<?=$gal['picture'];?>
	picture medium = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/uploads/medium/medium_<?=$gal['picture'];?>
	picture thumb = <?=BASE_URL;?>/<?=DIR_CON;?>/thumbs/<?=$gal['picture'];?>
<?php } ?>


Snippet paging gallery :

Param 1 : banyaknya data album yang akan diambil

Param 2 : array data album

Param 3 : mengambil nomor halaman aktif

Param 4 : tipe paging : '0' hanya tombol prev dan next, '1' tombol prev, next dan nomor paging

Param 5 : text prev

Param 6 : text next

<?=$this->gallery()->getGalleryPaging('12', $album, $this->e($page), '1', $this->e($front_paging_prev), $this->e($front_paging_next));?>


13. Helper pada contact.php

Snippet breadcrumb contact :

Link Home : <a href="<?=BASE_URL;?>"><?=$this->e($front_home);?></a>
Link Active Contact : <a href="<?=BASE_URL.'/contact';?>"><?=$this->e($front_contact);?></a>


Snippet content contact :

Google Map Coordinate = <?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[9]['value'];?>
Contact Form = 
<form name="contactform" action="<?=BASE_URL;?>/contact" method="post">
	<label for="contactform-name"><?=$this->e($contact_name);?> <small>*</small></label>
	<input type="text" id="contactform-name" name="contact_name" value="<?=(isset($_POST['contact_name']) ? $_POST['contact_name'] : '');?>" required />
	<label for="contactform-email"><?=$this->e($contact_email);?> <small>*</small></label>
	<input type="email" id="contactform-email" name="contact_email" value="<?=(isset($_POST['contact_email']) ? $_POST['contact_email'] : '');?>" required />
	<label for="contactform-subject"><?=$this->e($contact_subject);?> <small>*</small></label>
	<input type="text" id="contactform-subject" name="contact_subject" value="<?=(isset($_POST['contact_subject']) ? $_POST['contact_subject'] : '');?>" required />
	<label for="contactform-message"><?=$this->e($contact_message);?> <small>*</small></label>
	<textarea id="contactform-message" name="contact_message" required><?=(isset($_POST['contact_message']) ? $_POST['contact_message'] : '');?></textarea>
	<button type="submit" id="contactform-submit" name="contact_submit"><?=$this->e($front_contact_btn);?></button>


14. Helper pada 404.php

Snippet 404 :

Text 404 = <?=$this->e($front_404_text);?>


15. Helper Umum

Snippet umum yang sering digunakan pada tema :

<?=BASE_URL;?> = http://domainname
<?=DIR_CON;?> = po-content
<?=DIR_INC;?> = po-includes

<?=$this->e($page_title);?> = page title
<?=$this->e($page_desc);?> = page meta description
<?=$this->e($page_key);?> = page meta keyword

<?=$this->e($front_home);?> = 'Beranda';
<?=$this->e($front_about);?> = 'Tentang Kami';
<?=$this->e($front_contact);?> = 'Kontak';
<?=$this->e($front_select_lang);?> = 'Bahasa';
<?=$this->e($front_change_lang);?> = 'Ganti Bahasa';
<?=$this->e($front_search);?> = 'Tulis & Tekan Enter';
<?=$this->e($front_breaking_news);?> = 'Breaking News';
<?=$this->e($front_quick_link);?> = 'Link Pintas';
<?=$this->e($front_popular);?> = 'Populer';
<?=$this->e($front_recent);?> = 'Terbaru';
<?=$this->e($front_hits);?> = 'Kali Dilihat';
<?=$this->e($front_comment);?> = 'Komentar';
<?=$this->e($front_category);?> = 'Kategori';
<?=$this->e($front_indonesia);?> = 'Indonesiaku';
<?=$this->e($front_motivation);?> = 'Motivasi';
<?=$this->e($front_relationship);?> = 'Hubungan';
<?=$this->e($front_success);?> = 'Sukses';
<?=$this->e($front_tag);?> = 'Tag';
<?=$this->e($front_gallery);?> = 'Galeri';
<?=$this->e($front_contact);?> = 'Kontak';
<?=$this->e($front_email);?> = 'Masukan Email Anda';
<?=$this->e($front_subscribe);?> = 'Langganan';
<?=$this->e($front_txt_subscribe);?> = 'ke newsletter kami untuk mendapatkan berita penting dan penawaran terbaik';
<?=$this->e($front_categories);?> = 'Kategori';
<?=$this->e($front_pages);?> = 'Halaman';
<?=$this->e($front_404_text);?> = 'Ooopps.! Halaman yang ingin Anda lihat, tidak ditemukan';
<?=$this->e($front_contact);?> = 'Kontak';
<?=$this->e($front_contact_btn);?> = 'Kirim Pesan';
<?=$this->e($front_contact_success);?> = 'Berhasil! Pesan telah berhasil dikirim';
<?=$this->e($front_contact_error);?> = 'Error! Pesan tidak terkirim';
<?=$this->e($front_subscribe_success);?> = 'Berhasil! Anda telah berhasil berlangganan';
<?=$this->e($front_subscribe_error);?> = 'Error! Email sudah belangganan sebelumnnya';
<?=$this->e($front_paging_prev);?> = 'Sebelumnya';
<?=$this->e($front_paging_next);?> = 'Selanjutnya';
<?=$this->e($front_readmore);?> = 'Baca Selengkapnya';
<?=$this->e($front_post_by);?> = 'Dipost Oleh';
<?=$this->e($front_related_post);?> = 'Post Terkait';
<?=$this->e($front_leave_comment);?> = 'Tinggalkan Komentar';
<?=$this->e($comment_name);?> = 'Nama';
<?=$this->e($comment_email);?> = 'Email';
<?=$this->e($comment_website);?> = 'Website';
<?=$this->e($comment_text);?> = 'Komentar';
<?=$this->e($comment_submit);?> = 'Submit Komentar';
<?=$this->e($comment_reply);?> = 'Balas';
<?=$this->e($front_comment_success);?> = 'Berhasil! Komentar telah berhasil dimasukan';
<?=$this->e($front_comment_error_1);?> = 'Error! Captcha belum dipilih sebelumnya';
<?=$this->e($front_comment_error_2);?> = 'Error! Salah captcha';
<?=$this->e($front_comment_error_3);?> = 'Error! Periksa komentar Anda lagi';

<?=$this->e($front_pages_title);?> = 'Halaman';
<?=$this->e($front_pages_not_found);?> = 'Halaman Tidak Ditemukan';

<?=$this->e($front_category_title);?> = 'Kategori';
<?=$this->e($front_all_category);?> = 'Semua Kategori';
<?=$this->e($front_category_not_found);?> = 'Kategori Tidak Ditemukan';

<?=$this->e($front_gallery_title);?> = 'Galeri';
<?=$this->e($front_gallery_not_found);?> = 'Galeri Tidak Ditemukan';

<?=$this->e($front_post_title);?> = 'Post';
<?=$this->e($front_post_not_found);?> = 'Post Tidak Ditemukan';
<?=$this->e($front_search_title);?> = 'Pencarian';
<?=$this->e($front_search_not_found);?> = 'Pencarian Tidak Ditemukan';

<?=$this->e($front_tag_title);?> = 'Tag';
<?=$this->e($front_tag_not_found);?> = 'Tag Tidak Ditemukan';
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[0]['value'];?> = web name
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[1]['value'];?> = web url
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[2]['value'];?> = web meta
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[3]['value'];?> = web keyword
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[4]['value'];?> = web owner
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[5]['value'];?> = email
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[6]['value'];?> = telephone
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[7]['value'];?> = fax
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[8]['value'];?> = address
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[9]['value'];?> = geocode (google map)
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[10]['value'];?> = favicon
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[11]['value'];?> = logo
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[13]['value'];?> = country
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[14]['value'];?> = state / region
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[20]['value'];?> = google analytic
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[21]['value'];?> = recaptcha_sitekey
<?=$this->pocore()->call->posetting[22]['value'];?> = recaptcha_secretkey